Thursday 28 February 2013

Thirty Random Facts About Me...

Hey Everyone!

I've got some great reviews and vintage beautifulness lined up to blog about very soon. But before all of that, I thought it would be fun do a post with a difference...

It's about time we all got to know each other better I reckon and as 'Fashion Not Rocket Science' celebrated its second (or is it third, I forget?) anniversary back in November (which was somewhat of a non event at the time) and it's not long before I turn twenty nine...again (if you get what I'm'a sayin', the clue's in the title!) I thought this would be a good opportunity to share Thirty Random Facts About Me. I'll try and make them as obscure as possible for maximum amusement. Here goes...

  1. A fairly bog standard one to start with - I have double jointed elbows. Actually, don't a lot of people?
  2. I'm a very emotionally intense person. I wear my heart of my sleeve and when I like something, I am OBSESSED with it.
  3. Which brings me on to my next fact, I am a massive, MASSIVE fan of Harry Potter. I'm a total Potter geek and I don't care.
  4. I'm convinced I was born in the wrong decade and have always felt very drawn to the 1960's for some reason. The music, the make-up, the fashion, it's just always appealed to me.
  5. As well as being self appointed president of the Harry Potter fan club, I am hugely in love with The Beatles. Those guys were and still are revolutionary in every way.
  6. I have an HND in Musical Theatre, a degree in Performing Arts, grade 5 Clarinet and grade 8 Singing.
  7. In 2005 I travelled East Coast Australia with friends. It was an unforgettable and incredible experience and I hope to go back someday.
  8. When I was about two, I got hold of a pair of scissors and started hacking away at my beautiful dark curly hair. It grew back straight.
  9. I have lived in four different counties in the UK.
  10. When I was little, I always wanted to play Leisl in The Sound Of Music. I still do.
  11. I love architecture. It fascinates me and I think it tells us a lot about how our ancestors lived.
  12. I'm becoming a bit of a history nerd in my old age. Ironically, I took absolutely no interest in it at school and remember once trying not to fall asleep in a history class.
  13. My favourite artist is Salvador Dali. I love a bit of the psychologically abnormal.
  14. If I had to live off one food for the rest of my life, it would be aubergine. Either that or pepperoni.
  15. I am easily scared. Don't ask me to watch a horror movie, it ain't happening!
  16. I suffer from vertigo.
  17. I am scared rigid of the dark. So much so that my ritual for turning off the house lights before bed can be quite time consuming.
  18. My boyfriend and I have been together seven years.
  19. I am a big collector of make-up, especially MAC lipsticks.
  20. I keep all my make-up in a massive tool box.
  21. I have size three feet.
  22. I can crochet fairly well and knit rather badly.
  23. My Dad used to do my art homework for me. He even did my R.E. coursework once. I got a B.
  24. I'm definitely more of a cat person and would love to have either a black tabby or a ginger british short hair.
  25. Having said that, one day I would also love to have a pug.
  26. Music is something that's extremely important to me. I would describe my taste as eclectic.
  27. I also studied film and media at college and love nothing more than watching the extra features on DVDs, especially those 'making of' documentaries.
  28. I am currently training to be a teaching assistant, but in a parallel fantasy universe, I would be either a film director, an actor, a make-up artist or a singer/bassist in a band.
  29. My brother is in a very successful band. I am very proud of him. And ever so slightly jealous.
  30. I was once an extra in a film shot in Newcastle and starring Kelly Brook. It was a bit of a flop but I was still so pleased when I first saw it myself on screen for all of about twelve seconds.
So that's it! Let me know in the comments below the links to all your random facts too - I love reading about you all!


  1. This is brilliant! I think I may do one too! x

    1. Glad you enjoyed it! It was surprising how difficult it was to come up with that many facts! xxx
