Wednesday 16 January 2013

The Last Four Months...

Hello lovely people,

After an unintentional and rather lengthy blog break, I thought it about time I checked in to update you all on what I've actually been doing! Blimey, has it really been that long since I last blogged? Yikes, time flies...

First thing's first, Happy New Year! I hope you all had wonderful Christmases and great starts to 2013 whatever you were up to.

If you are a regular reader or follow me on Twitter, you'll know that Mr. Fashion Rockets and I relocated to Brighton back in July. It's never an easy thing moving house as many of you will appreciate, let alone moving to a completely different area. Well, as you might imagine, I have found it a little tough. Not knowing anyone here and being in unfamiliar surroundings have been difficult things to overcome.

But leaving the doom and gloom to one side for a moment, relocating has also provided me with the opportunity to rethink my career. I was deeply unhappy working in high street retail and felt a change was desperately needed. I have since moved away form a future in retail management to re-train as a teaching assistant and am currently working hard on passing a relevant course through home study and so enjoying being a 'student' again! I'm now able to look to the future and am genuinely excited as to what it might bring. Needless to say, everything vintage is, and will always remain a huge part of my life and one of my many passions!

The hardcore followers among you can't have failed to notice that I've also taken up a new hobby since moving down south. What started out as just a bit of messing about with a pair of knitting needles and a ball of wool has turned into a knitting bag full of half finished projects, a large collection of knitting needles and crochet hooks in every size possible and a collection of wool that's threatening to take over the spare room! It is a rather addictive hobby, possibly because the project possibilities are endless and once you've started, it's hard not to want your project to be finished there and then! The best thing about learning to crochet though, is that I've been able to make thoughtful, pretty, practical and cost saving gifts for friends and family. It certainly kept me busy in the run up to Christmas! If you're interested in seeing what I've been making, I always usually post my finished projects on Twitter or Instagram so pop over, have a peek and let me know what you think as I'd love to hear your feedback. Similarly, post a comment below and let me know what you've been making and where you get your woolen-spiration! Cynics among you may scoff and think that crochet is for grannies but absolutely anyone can do it, it's loads of fun (trust me) and so vintage cool, you wouldn't believe!

I do hope it's not too long before I find the time to get back in front of the computer again. In the mean time, I'm off to bake some cakes and crochet some more. I'm not kidding!

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