Tuesday 19 June 2012

She Sells Sea Shells...and other Miscellany...

So, they say Brighton is the home of vintage....

...Luckily, the birth of the internet means geography wasn't an issue in finding these little gems...

To Be Worn Again pride themselves on being the biggest vintage retailer in Brighton and Hove. The website doesn't dissapoint with a cheerful, retro design and an easy to use interface.

Clothing is organised by type and there are several search options making it easy to shop for specific items. In addition, they offer a vintage wholesale service from their warehouse in Worthing

Prices are modest and the range of product is impressive, accessories and dresses esspecially. Well worth popping by in store or online.

Penelope's Portmanteau is a must for any vintage accessory obsessive like myself. Packed to the rafters with handbags, scarves, jewelery and many other vintage treasures, the website alone is true heaven for any vintage lover.

It also boasts designer, novelty, gift and bridal sections with a cute little 'Vintage History Snippets' page.

Tramp Vintage Clothing is anything but, offering an array of glamour, class and ladylike vintage to its customers.

The website has a boutique-y feel to match the in-store shopping experience and despite what the up-market look suggests, prices are very affordable.

From the 20's flapper dress to the 80's power suit, Tramp vintage stocks every glamourous look inbetween and then some.


  1. Great tips, I'm hoping to spend some time in Brighton this year, so I'll definitely pay these a visit.

  2. Excellent! Glad you found this useful and remember to report back - would love to hear how you got on! xx
